Job Description



POSITION TITLE:          Bus Driver



  1. Holds a valid school bus driver’s credential from the N.H. Department of Safety and N.H. Department of Education 
  2. Has previously demonstrated competence in school bus driving
  3. Possesses human relation skills
  4. Such alternatives to the above qualifications as the Board may find appropriate and acceptable

REPORTS TO:              SAU #9 Transportation Coordinator


JOB GOAL: To provide safe and efficient transportation so that students may enjoy the fullest possible advantage from the district’s curriculum and extracurricular programs.



  1. Obey all traffic laws
  2. Observes all mandatory safety regulations for school buses
  3. Maintains discipline when students are on the bus
  4. Reports undisciplined students to the proper authority
  5. Keeps assigned bus clean
  6. Keeps to assigned schedule
  7. Checks bus before each operation for mechanical defects
  8. Notifies the proper authority in case of mechanical failure or lateness
  9. Discharges students only at authorized stops
  10. Exercises responsible leadership when on out-of-district school trips
  11. Transports only authorized students
  12. Reports all accidents and completes required reports
  13. Enforces regulations against smoking and eating on the bus

TERMS OF EMPLOYMENT: Salary and work year to be established yearly by the Board.

 EVALUATION:  Performance will be evaluated in accordance with district procedures for support personnel.